Thursday, March 13, 2008


Robert Sawyer is free and clear! The Smiths Station City Council member was found NOT guilty of criminal tampering, in that Lee County Court trial. The way Sawyer explained it to me Wednesday night, the case rightly was assigned to Judge Russell Bush - because the accusation was downright bush-league.

Robert Sawyer told your blog two residents at his mobile home park "didn't pay their rent, so I shut off their power." And for that, he was arrested on criminal tampering charges?! There are times when "power to the people" is NOT a free right.

From the court records we reviewed online, this was the first time Robert Sawyer has been dragged into court by one of his mobile home park residents. But he says the threat of legal action is a problem for anyone with rental property. I suppose renters can fly off the handle, even when their toilet handles fly off.

Robert Sawyer said something is in the works in Alabama state government to protect rental property owners from frivolous legal action. When we asked for details, Sawyer said, "I don't want to let the cat of the bag just yet." At my apartment complex, the cat would stay in the bag until it's driven to the humane society.

We also found out where Robert Sawyer was Tuesday night, when we called him after his Lee County trial. It was a little thing called a Smiths Station City Council meeting - so his victory celebration depended on whether the meeting ended early, and any restaurants in town were still open.

At that meeting Tuesday night, Robert Sawyer says the city took action to regulate "junkyards" in Smiths Station. By that, he means residential yards with junk in them -- the people who seem to be waiting for East Alabama Motor Speedway to hold a demolition derby.

Robert Sawyer says Smiths Station officials don't want junky-looking yards next to nice expensive homes. "How would you like it if rundown cars were sitting next door to your house?" he asked. I didn't think to tell him about my next-door neighbor's orange Volkswagen Beetle. He fires up the engine about once a month, but I think you'd have to attach bicycle pedals to get it up some hills.

(Then there's the other neighbor, who has kept a car door propped against the side of the apartment building for months. A man actually drove by one morning, saw me outside and asked if the door was for sale. I wouldn't have minded much if he stole it.)

If a car can run and is under repair, Robert Sawyer can understand that. But he says Smiths Station wants to get rid of the ones which have been up on blocks for years. And let's face it - there's been no announcement that the "World's Longest Yard Sale" is expanding, to start south of Gadsden.

Russell County passed yard rules along these lines in the late 1990's. But Robert Sawyer made it sound like Smiths Station is more concerned about the expensive homes - that perhaps nearby junk cars hurt their value. But the way the housing market is going, the day may come when you can trade in a few old cars to make a nice down payment on a home.

BLOG SPECIAL EVENT: Today is Day 12 of the Walk Georgia challenge - and we have an interesting note from one member of our Blog of Columbus team:

I'm sorry Richard I did not do anything today! I was useless but I promise to get back on track tomorrow. And what in the world is housework doing on that list?!

that just seems wrong to me.

I was just reading an article on wtvm and at the end it said rburkard that you? If so I gotta say that was really funny the other day... Aurburm! Y'all fixed it quick though.

And I ask Vals son about him getting naked! OMG its true... that explains his son though


It's OK if you take a day off in the pursuit. I did one night last week, because of work commitments and poker night. Maybe if I danced around the table like Humberto Brenes, instead of sitting still all evening....

Yes, people in the Walk Georgia are allowed to record "housework" as exercise. You may not know how strenuous it can be to pull your lounge chairs into the middle of the living room, so you can vacuum behind them.

I'm personally glad housework is a Walk Georgia option, because my annual Serious Spring Cleaning is about to start. It takes several weeks to clean everything up, from the bathtub to the kitchen. I'll climb up. I'll kneel down. And I'm hoping I don't find any hidden overdue bills, like school board members have.

Yes, I work at a local TV station when they need me. But I do NOT work in the nude, like Val McGuinness used to do on AM radio [14 Feb]. The official policy is to "dress professionally" - and it doesn't refer to one of those "professionals" on Victory Drive.

By the way, Samantha is turning into the star of the Blog of Columbus team. The Walk Georgia stat sheet shows as of Wednesday night, she's in the top 25 in miles traveled - and our four-person team has moved up to 10th place, out of 25 teams. One team ahead of us is NeighborWorks Columbus. Of course, they have an unfair advantage of working on Habitat for Humanity homes right now.

Check our "Trudge Report" below for daily updates on this blogger's contribution. Now let's walk around the Wednesday news desk....

+ Circle K attracted long lines for a two-hour gasoline sale on Warm Springs Road, with regular unleaded marked down to $2.99 a gallon. You call this a sale?! I could have had that price in Opelika back in the good old days -- about two weeks ago.

(WVRK-FM was live at this alleged gas sale. So why wasn't the price marked down to a "Rock $1.03?" The difference between Davis Broadcasting and Clear Channel is growing every day....)

+ The Georgia Senate approved a bill to ban dogfighting, and make spectators subject to arrest. Sen. Chip Rogers explained the spectators are "the reason for the fight." Several Columbus Cottonmouth players knew that a long time ago.

+ WLTZ showed Valera O'Blenness bowling with a team at Peach Lanes - at age 98. Instant Message to self: Avoid this bowling center at all costs. Not only will this woman show me up, I'm not sure I can bowl her age.

+ The Atlanta Falcons re-signed quarterback Joey Harrington, one week after releasing him. Was this really a salary cap stunt with his contract? Or did the team fear he'd be confused with that other Harrington - the one the F.B.I. is after now?

(BLOGGER'S NOTE: Unless breaking news demands a change, Friday will be an off day for this blog. Our next scheduled post will be for Saturday.)

To offer a story tip, make a PayPal donation, advertise to our readers or comment on this blog, write me - but be warned, I may post your e-mail comment and offer a reply.

BURKARD BULK MAIL INDEX: 716 (+ 34, 5.0%)

TRUDGE REPORT, DAY 11: 2.6 miles jogged, 1.2 miles walked. Total: 32.15 miles run, 4.8 walked

The views expressed in this blog are solely those of the author -- not necessarily those of anyone else in Columbus living or dead, and perhaps not even you.

© 2003-08 Richard Burkard, all rights reserved.

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