Thursday, June 10, 2004



Tonight will mark six months since Kenneth Walker was shot and killed by a sheriff's deputy along Interstate 185. After half-a-year, the score stands this way: One deputy fired. One civil rights leader embarrassed. And two prosecutors who seem to be in hiding.

Except for a web site and a few fundraisers, we haven't heard much from the "Friends of David Glisson" who support the fired deputy. We're not even sure how friendly they are with him - since their web site never has posted his picture, while it has two of Sheriff Ralph Johnson.

If David Glisson has found work since Sheriff Ralph Johnson fired him in February, we haven't heard about it. Maybe they hired him at the Group of Eight Summit in Sea Island, as a mysterious "lethal weapon."

We also haven't heard from civil rights groups in recent weeks about the Kenneth Walker shooting -- especially since the petition drive to recall Sheriff Ralph Johnson failed so badly. I'd presume they're waiting for the next abuse of power by law officers. But haven't they missed a couple of recent police shootings?

William Howell of Rainbow/PUSH certainly hasn't said much since the recall effort failed. Remember how he called CNN, and persuaded a reporter to come down to cover picket lines downtown? He may not have even called Jesse Jackson about that petition drive....

(In fact, I still haven't heard if the Muscogee County Election Board considered Howell's appeal over how the recall petitions were worded. But then again, Howell would have told everybody if he had won.)

As for criminal charges in the Kenneth Walker case - well, let's put it this way. District Attorney Gray Conger has caused more of a stir in the last six months by switching political parties....

You'll recall Gray Conger recused himself from the Kenneth Walker investigation. Then Albany's Ken Hodges was appointed by Georgia's Attorney General to handle the case. That was in early March - so we're starting to see his definition of a "speedy trial."

Where is the outrage by civil rights groups toward District Attorney Ken Hodges? Three months after taking the Kenneth Walker case, nothing has happened. Do you think he's waiting for the Walker family's lawyers to find all the incriminating evidence?

It's really not fair to put it this way, but the biggest "winner" in the Kenneth Walker case so far seems to be Sheriff Ralph Johnson. When you can rent a room at the Trade Center for a campaign kickoff rally, you must have some measure of job security.

Be honest now -- would you have guessed back in January more people in Columbus would be talking about the race for Superior Court Judge than the Sheriff's race? Maybe we should ask these candidates how many years in prison David Glisson should get.

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