Sunday, September 07, 2003




Today let's play a game where I mention a development, and you decide if's a big thing or a little thing. We promise -- NO (ahem) male enhancement questions.

1. The first phase of the Columbus Trade Center expansion is declared finished. Big or little?

Answer - LITTLE. Because they still haven't given joggers like me our Riverwalk back.

I went running with hope Saturday night to the Trade Center, but fences still were up at the Riverwalk on either side of the building. They must still think I need to climb those 40 steps near the Space Science Center.

The Trade Center expansion is also a little thing for pedestrians, because you can't walk behind the building as you did before. The "Chattahoochee Promenade" ends at the building, and there's not as much room to have a picnic lunch outside. But maybe that's the plan - to encourage more downtown dining.

2. Fort Benning's new security checkpoints. Big or little?

Answer - BIG. They're so far back from the main gate that S.O.A. Watch protesters can advance about a mile onto post, without being stopped.

We drove to Fort Benning today for the first time in three years, and was surprised at how far we could go on Benning Drive before reaching the checkpoint. Terrorists could sneak into the woods, and even pitch tents.

The security checkpoints we saw consist of giant overhangs over the road, for soldiers to check your photo ID. The last time I saw overhangs like that, they were in Atlanta shopping centers - for doing quick emission inspections.

Considering September 11 isn't far off, it was surprisingly easy to move past the checkpoint and drive around Fort Benning. The soldier who checked my identification didn't even ask what I planned to do on post! Despite all those complainers on radio talk shows, sometimes being a white guy has benefits.

3. The fall mailing from American Town Marketing is out. Big or little?

Answer - BIG. After all, it arrived in my downtown mailbox even though the envelope says it's for "North East Columbus."

The American Town Marketing mailings have all sorts of interesting offers. This time, there are three coupons for Yellow Cab rides. I should keep these in the car, for when beggars demand rides up the street from ME.

The Mustard Seed Christian Store also has a couple of coupons in the fall mailing. But one of them is a discount on "Yankee candles" - trusting Columbus Christians won't discriminate on the basis of national origin.

4. WCGT TV-16 seems to have dropped its shopping channel broadcasts. Big or little?

Answer - LITTLE. The religious programming and infomercials replacing those broadcasts probably will get the same number of viewers - and those aren't many.

5. A new Chevron station on Macon Road had an opening-day special Friday, lowering its gas price to 99 cents. Big or little?

Answer - BIG. Because it showed how, at their core, many Columbus residents are greedy cheapskates.

BLOG UPDATE: Definite progress was noted today in the drying-out of the carpet, after the water heater leak. For one thing, some waterlogged areas now feel a bit dry. For another thing, one of the towels I used on the carpeting Thursday finally is dry enough to use a second time.