Friday, March 02, 2007


Before we get to our main topic, we have some sad news for local classical music fans. We found out Friday that longtime Troy Public Radio classical announcer Michael Rothe has died in Illinois. Rothe actually was based in Chicago, which is the home of most of Troy Public Radio's music -- and he had a great voice for the classics. Maybe someday we'll hear someone with a true Alabama accent, saying names such as Shostakovich and Berlioz.

Now for a follow-up to last Saturday's topic - the small church denomination which has told its members NOT to have blogs. It brought this message in response:

The Restored Church of God declared its members (especially teenagers) should not have blogs - mainly because blogs do little more than express a "personal opinion" on an issue. The denomination argues that's mere human vanity, because God's viewpoint matters most. At least this group realizes bloggers are NOT God. Some writers simply come across that way...." [24 Feb]

Amazing at it may seem, God actually made a mistake when installing the Mark 1 Human Brain by giving these hairless apes the ability to think freely. As such... free thought runs rampant in the species and there is a distinct danger that they may either destroy themselves or reach for the stars if they don't

This also settles the old question of why God would give Man a brain to think with only to him behave like a sheep...


I'm going to assume R's tongue is in his/her cheek here, by claiming "God made a mistake." My Bible says in several places that God and His ways are perfect -- and it also says He wants us to become perfect. Yet even pro wrestling's "Mr. Perfect" seemed to lose a few matches years ago.

So why didn't God make human beings perfect in the first place? Well, He may well have -- but the book of Genesis indicates the first humans lost that perfection when they listened to the wrong voice. They didn't believe God when God left them alone for awhile. How many workplaces can you think of, which still operate the same way?

Yes, God allows you and me to think freely. But the apostle Paul wrote we should "take captive every thought to make it obedient to Christ." As a minister once quoted his wife as saying to him -- your brain is too young to wander off by itself.

(By the way, about that "Mark 1 Human Brain" -- doesn't R really mean Genesis 1?)

God wants us to love Him - but the great Shepherd is not forcing sheep like you and me to do it. I realized years ago that to force someone to love you is NOT love. In fact, I learned it personally -- after sending several flower bouquets to a certain woman in another city, who will remain nameless.

By thinking as God thinks, we move toward the goal of eventual perfection. But that's hard, because the people all around us (including you and me) are not perfect. That's why in part this world is NOT perfect yet -- and that should have been obvious before Thursday night's tornadoes showed up.

If you have damage from the imperfect world to clean up this weekend, I suggest taking some time to dream about a future when the world will be perfect. When YOU will be perfect, too. Jesus will have to come back to make this happen. But thinking that He will is absolutely free - and I don't think that small church denomination will stop you, either.

The denomination's ban on blogs turned into a personal "self-exam" for me. I've posted the results online, for you to consider. You may find even churches can be imperfect, once in a while....

SCHEDULED SUNDAY: More bits and pieces from the big storm....

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