Friday, May 06, 2005

for 7 MAY 05: EVERYBODY'S P.D.A.

(BLOGGER'S NOTE: You may find this humorous, serious, or a little of both - but from time to time, we'll offer things to reflect upon as we keep the seventh-day Sabbath.)

As I waited for dinner after church the other day, I meditated on a point my Pastor made during the sermon....

Do you walk around with a P.D.A.?

If you believe in Jesus Christ, you do.

You have a Personal Demonic Adversary. Sometimes he's called Satan, other times Lucifer or other names.

The Bible says the P.D.A. is very portable -- walking around "seeking whom he may devour."

This P.D.A. can produce a dark sort of fruit -- so dark you might call a "Blackberry." But it quickly withers away, and is really no fruit at all.

So how can we override and negate this P.D.A.?

Believe it or not -- all you need is a "P-S 2."

P.S. #1 is a Personal Savior. There's only one real One on the market, you know - named Jesus.

P.S. #2 is the power of the Spirit. Not the one people drank on Cinco de Mayo. This is Holy Spirit, from God.

So the next time you feel stymied by a P.D.A., reach for your PS-2. A good zap can make you a winner.

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